YES! We can help get financing for your project.
Do you have a unusually large financing need...Banks turn you us NOW!
Call 808-981-0610
We have Institutional Lenders, Private Funding, Hard Money Funding, Venture Capital, Business Funding
Tell Us about your project, the type of loan you are looking for, where this project is located,
the amount you desire.
Have a detail Summary Sheet, Business Plan, Financials, Income & Expense, How you plan to run
the business once you purchase it, your 3-5 year income projections, any improvements you plan to do.
Who will be your officers & management team, their background & qualifications & why
you selected they to be part of your team.
We also purchase owner financed mortgages, equipment leasing & lease back programs, we purchase
account recieveables, credit card recieveables, medical recieveables & cash flows.
Residential funding:
Single Family Homes
Multi Family Homes
Debt Cosolidation
No Income No Asset Varification
Less than perfect credit.....We can help!